Aluminum and ABS Umbrella Bar Holder Stand Handle Useful Baby Buggy Pram Bicycle Stroller Wheelchair

  • Sale Price: $14.99
  • Availability: Usually ships in 4-5 business days


  • 2-sections Umbrella Handlebar Holder for Bicycle/Motocycle.
  • Simple design, very easy to mount on the handlebar of the bicycle, stroller, wheelchair.
  • Every parts is adjustable, you can change to any angle you want.
  • Made of aluminum and ABS, very steady and durable
  • Full Length: Approx.50cm / Folded Length: Approx. 29cm / Holder Diameter: Approx. 2cm

Product Description

Easily attaches to the side of any wheelchair, stroller, walker, deck chair or scooter by a simple base clamp. Flexible arm allow for all angle positioning. Designed for protection against rain or sun, It has a height adjustable stem and a joint which allows the umbrella to be adjusted according to the angle of the sun. Fold easily for storage.

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